Budhi Thakurani

Budhi Thakurani

Budhi Thakurani

Maa Budhi Thakurani Jatra 2025 in Berhampur City

Maa Budhi Thakurani Jatra 2025 starts from 03 April 2025 to 28 April 2025 in Berhampur City.

This welcomes the goddess Budhi Thakurani to her temporary abode for the biannual Thakurani Jatra (festival) late at night. The hereditary head of the festival, who is also regarded as the head of the weaver Dera community of the city, Desibehera, dressed in his traditional attire, visits the Budhi Maa Thakurani temple to invite the goddess to her parental abode at his home on Saturday afternoon.

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Gopalpur Sea Beach, Berhampur
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